Life As A Well Kept Hippie

Not Quite a Hippie

So, if you know me you know I do things a little different than your average American. I'll start off with some of the basic things I do differently and than expand on anything in a later post if anyone has questions.  I don't really think of myself as a hippie, but I've had people tell me they think I am. I love trying things from a holistic approach before medicinal. 

Organic Diet
Now when I say diet, I don't mean food plan. I mean all organic non GMO foods. At least 85% of the time. It is difficult to eat out in our area and have organic raw foods offered that aren't insanely over-priced. I love my food as raw and as real as possible. I do eat meat at this current time. I like to only buy free range, cage free, organic from sources that care for their animals. Not sure if I'll be a meat eater forever because unless you personally know the farmer you can never really know. Plus, what's really humane about killing the animals. But, we'll save that conversation for another day. 

Organic Products
As I've mentioned in a previous post, all of my skincare products are organic. My deodorant is without aluminum and my toothpaste without fluoride. I do the same for my family's products. I do not wear nail polish. And haven't for over a year now. I am now debating on no longer dying my hair. It's been 5 months since I last colored it. And I feel pretty good about that choice. My hair will probably thank me for not using unneeded coloring. I wash my hair once or twice a week. And I only give my son a bath once or twice a week. 

Essential Oils
I'm a huge fan of essential oils. I use a diffuser instead of plug ins, candles, or sprays for the added benefits of the oils plus their wonderful smells. I've even used the oils to help with my son having a clogged tear duct, my own mastitis, boosting immune system, and clearing congestion. I do not sell oils, but love them and so recommend. 

No Medicine
What?! Okay, I do believe medicine is great when needed. Medicine saved my life after the birth of my son. But, when I have a headache or a cold I do not run to the doctors or the medicine cabinet. When my body is feeling run down or my head is throbbing I listen to my body. I try to find the root of the problem and treat it holistically first. If medicine is needed, then, of course, I will take it. But, medicine is not without side effects. 

Time Outdoors
I love getting my daily dose of vitamin D from the most natural source: the sun! Also, nothing like a relaxing walk outside to help calm my mind. This is such good time for myself and my son. I hate that I didn't start these daily walks sooner since they are so good for my heart and mind. I try to do at least a 15 minute walk everyday. These past few freezing cold days we've missed our walks so much. Can't wait to get back into our routine. 

My car is a hybrid and I love it. I wish it was an all electric Tesla! But, hey, we have to start somewhere. I feel good about my choice and investment in a hybrid. Though may have to upgrade the size of my vehicle when we add onto our little family. I love knowing that my car isn't emitting as much junk into the air as my old one used to. I really think most cars are going in the electric direction. It would be awesome if we could bike/walk everywhere. I would be up for that! But, things are much to spaced out where we are for that. 

I've just gotten on the yoga train. I absolutely love it. The meditation, the breathing, the poses. It feels so gentle, yet so strengthening. It gives me my time to myself and I feel so refreshed when I leave. I would love to keep this up and maintain. I do want to continue to expand on my fitness outlets as I've always been a huge lover of all things expressive to the body. 

There is lots more that I do differently than the average. But, I think this is a good summary to stop at. 

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Any and all is always appreciated. 

Hope your enjoyed this post. 
Have a blessed day!




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