My Year of Nursing


This blog is full of life hacks if you are or plan on breastfeeding. And this is simply my experience. Not trying to shame anyone nor anything of the matter. Just sharing my experience as that's the focus for my blog. Hope you enjoy!

So, let's start at the beginning. In the hospital I remember wondering if he would latch right, would my milk come out right. All the things. I prayed we would click like I knew we were meant to. And we did. And he nursed, nursed, nursed. He friggen killed my nipples those first few days. I remember asking the lactation consultant so many questions at the hospital. Ways to make it hurt less, deal with cracks, hickies, and more. It gets better, ladies! I will say that! Those first two weeks are truly the worst. But, well, worth it.

Planning to nurse? Here are my recommendations of some must have: 

Buy the nipple butter, mamas. It's totally worth every penny. I stopped using it after 3 months. It seriously does wonders on saving the nipples. I bought an organic baby friendly one that I absolutely loved. Lanolin or whatever they gave me at the hospital I ended up reading was not good for baby at all. So, I'd steer clear there.
Buy nursing pads. I liked the disposables because the re-usable ones just stayed soaked in your bra. Not comfortable. And of course, nursing bras for the win! These things are worth every too expensive penny.
A really good cover. I didn't start covering until about a month out when we were in public. You and baby are really trying to get the hang of breastfeeding so a cover really stinks. But, once you have a good cover that's breathable for baby and you don't have to worry about your belly or boobs coming out it's a win.
 Eventually a breast pump, storage bags, and all the other goodies. This isn't really necessary until 8 weeks out, but let's face it, getting it after you've had a baby is kind of a pain in the butt. 
Nursing bras. Most of mine I bought when I was pregnant and they still worked for after. I loved yoga style nursing bras for at home and sleeping. Wearing one now actually. So comfortable I don't know if I'll go back.
And a boppy! This thing was a shoulder saver!

Milk Is In
I remember asking how will I know when my milk comes in? Oh you will know! When it does, your boobs are like lumps rocks in a bag. Hah. Funny, but sadly, true. And when the wind blows just right they spray a mist over your whole bed. Or if your laying down it shoots up like a water fall. It is truly a strange thing. And it may or may not completely weird out your husband or partner. Which I actually found pretty hilarious on many occasions.

No Rest for the Weary
Okay, so once I got over the initial craziness of breastfeeding. I got into my rhythm. I was nursing around the clock for a very long time. Every 3 hours like clock work even during the night. This was the routine literally until like 2 or 3 months ago. We eventually started just waking up once in the night to feed. Which was like a dream come true. Some nights we sleep all through the night! It's not as frequent as I'd like, but we are getting there. 

 As much as this is the worst thing ever to happen right after you've already gone through the hardest day of your life. It happens sometimes. It feels like you have the flu and at least one of your boobs hurts so bad and may or may not have hot red spots on it. This was my body's way of telling me to rest and/or not do so much. LISTEN to your body. I had a hard time with this apparently. I got mastitis a total of four times. And one time was actually on my birthday. Ugh, the worst. I wanted to get back into working out so badly that I would over do it. Lift too hard or for too long or if I wasn't getting enough fluids. If I could go back, I would just let my body relax. It was already doing so much for me and my baby. It's hard to give yourself grace sometimes. But, it's so necessary for our health. Also, I did let my mastitis heal naturally without antibiotics. And it did resolve within three days.

Yoga Nursing Bras = Must have! We both agree :)
Baby Mama Benefits
Let's get to the wonderful things about breastfeeding. It's fantastic for your beautiful baby. You can easily google that or find it in a baby book. It is also fantastic for your uterus. It assists your uterus into going back to it's normal size 10x faster than if you didn't breastfeed. Pretty cool. Also, let's be real. Baby is helping you get back into your pre-prego pants. I mean not entirely. I almost hated when women would pan off my body to breastfeeding when I was also eating healthy and working out. But, let's be honest when baby is taking some of your calories it doesn't hurt you in getting back to your normal size .

Breastfeeding Overall
Breastfeeding has overall been a wonderful experience for myself with my child. I believe it certainly attributed in fighting off postpartum depression. It helped my utereus and body get back to normal. It is such wonderful bonding time with my son. Pumping, however, has been my least favorite thing. Possibly ever. But, you gotta do what you gotta do. Pumping at work and being walked in on can be so embarrassing. Irritating your co-workers by needing to take over the break room for under a half hour twice a day gets a old quick for you and them. And having a machine sucking on you isn't the best feeling ever. It can be painful even sometimes. But, that being said, I'm thankful for that thing and the ability it's given me to work and provide nutrition for my baby.

Immunity Powers
I am currently still breastfeeding my almost 13 month old. And I will continue to do so especially with all the flus and colds going around. Breastmilk has magical powers to keep your baby so healthy. We've been blessed that Eli has only been sick once and has never had ear infections or anything. Breastmilk healed his clogged tear duct and helps any skin irritations he gets. Once you breastfeed you totally get why people call it liquid gold. The saying is true!

Hope this helps my nursing mammas out there or gives you a good glimpse into the mind of breastfeeding mom.
 As always, please,
or share!



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